General Toyota Bakkies Posting Policies
As a condition of your use of you agree that you are at least 18 years of age.
At, we strive to ensure that the site is as clean, friendly and as usable as possible for our community. Ads that fall outside of the General Posting Rules (General Posting Policies) stated here, or, our Terms of Use, may be removed from the site.
You are solely responsible for all information that you submit to and any potential consequences that may result from your post.
We reserve the right at our discretion to refuse or remove content, or those parts thereof, that we believe is inappropriate or breaching our Terms of Use. We may, at our discretion, remove ads, put ads on hold or make minor changes thereto, when they do not comply with the Posting Policies.
General Reasons for Ad Removal / Ads Being Placed on Hold or Minor Changes Made, Include:
• Ads that report / rant about potentially fraudulent or inappropriate ads, or policy violations. Please report ads via the Contact Us Page, with ad details (ad id, email address, etc.)
• Ads outside of Policies
• Removal of personal information from an ad
• Duplicate of another goods or services ad you’ve posted, or multiple ads in different locations
• Duplicate accounts – Creating multiple accounts for the sole purpose of duplicating ads is not permitted
• Offering more than a single item within the ad
• Posted under the wrong category (you must choose the single most relevant category for your ad)
• Not entering your contact details through the means provided by the site (for example as part of an overlay, logo or watermark)
• Entering information in incorrect fields (you must use the fields provided), or, not completing all the fields
• Ads posted in a language other than English. We only accept ads in English; it’s acceptable however, to include a translation of your ad in another language in addition to English
• No overseas ads accepted – is only for local use
• No website links to other property / job / classified or auction sites, and / or such other sites that we may deem to be inappropriate
• Removal of keywords that refer to competitive websites, or removal of brands in the case of keyword spamming; IE: brands that are not accurately descriptive of the item / service or not related to the item/service advertised. The keyword spamming rule applies to all categories;
• Not descriptive enough (Ads that do not provide enough detail will be removed as this makes for a bad browsing experience)
• Appears to be a copy of another ad posted on (you may not copy another users ads; your ad must be original)
• Not providing images of the goods at the time of listing when expressly requested to do so
• Images which are unsuitable for the purpose (Example: too small, hand drawings, word art, etc.)
• Images that are used to emulate features offered by
• Editing purposes (typos, duplicate keywords, etc.)
• Inappropriate language
• Vehicle ads that do not list the full selling price
• Inappropriate photos / images
• Discriminatory on race / religion / nationality / gender / sexual orientation / disability
• Using for any other purpose than selling or buying Toyota vehicles.
• reserves the right to remove any postings that we feel are irrelevant to the Community, with or without notice.
There are several reasons why an Ad may have been removed from the site. If this occurs, the ad may be suspended temporarily (factor dependent) until reviewed; we check reported ads as quickly as we can.
Provided that your ad hasn’t breached any General Posting Rules listed here, or the Terms of Use, it should be back up again shortly, generally within a few hours.
Ads reported to us, identified internally as inappropriate, or found to be in breach of our General Posting Rules or Terms of Use, will be removed from the site.
In most cases we email to confirm that your ad has been removed and if possible, provide you with an opportunity to resubmit. Please remember to check your junk / spam folders. If your junk / spam settings are set at high, emails may not be delivered to the spam / junk folders at all; please consider adding to your safe senders list if possible.
If you feel your ad has been removed in error, please let us know by sending us a message and we’ll be happy to help.